LG01P connectivity issues


Apr '22

Hello everyone¡ Im a student how bougth a Dragino Lse01 Soil Tester and a LG01P Gateway. I`ve got connect the Gateway in the TTN page and its seems to be fine, i have request, the problem is… When i try to connect the soil measurer, it do nothing.

I tried two ways, automaticly and manually. To make sure all the data are correct un LSE01 i did a ttl connexion, and i get the AppEUI, DevEUI, AppKey. Also i have updated the device to the 1.1.4 firmware version.

But when i create the aplication in ttn it says, “Not activity yet”.

please, someone can bring me some light??

All i read on the forums its according whith what im doing, other thing i thougth is the Sensor its broken…

Thanks for your help¡

I’m sorry I can’t bring you a light, but maybe a new gateway??
LG01P is a Single Channel Forwarder and not a TTN compatible gateway.

This is not a gateway, this is a Single Channel Packet Forwarder that cannot and should not be used on the network. Please disconnect it immediately.

The device is expecting to talk to a full 8 channel gateway. Yours is not that.

Dragino’s website clearly shows that it is not suitable for LoRaWAN.

See more info here:

A The Things Indoor Gateway aka TTIG) is around $90, I appreciate this is more expensive than the LG01P but it is a decent low-cost gateway that just works.

There is a whole lot of entry level info on the Learn link at the top of this page, it will help you considerably to read it all before purchasing anything else or asking any more questions.

Normally this thread would be closed at this point, but I have unlisted it so only moderators and, because he’s answered you, @wolfp, can see it.

If you do have questions once you have reviewed the basic learning materials about which gateway to get, please ask them here and we’ll do our best to help.

If your tutors / professors told you what to buy, ask them to reach out on here so we can help them understand the details of the LG01P and why it is not suitable.

Another good gateway to start with is the RAK7246 - you do not need a GPS on the board so it is $99.


your gateway are only a single channel

for EU863-870 your gateway should always listen on 868.1 868.3 and 868.5 and your node need to use one of these channels to join and then use the rest of the channels to transmit data this is to be compliant to the lorawan specification

for other regions you also need to support multiple channels it is a little bit more complex but your gateway need to support multiple channels

as you can gather from your single channel gateway are not compline to the specification and you are causing trouble in the network

and don’t think but there is nobody around i am not causing issue lora lorawan have great pentation and distance

you will not like if i come an transmit 25w next to your site and your nodes stop working so please dont do it to others