Adafruit Feather 32u4 LoRa -> Gateway

Got it wired uo and it does not freeze. However not data is picked up.

I am bit lost with the various LMIC forks and branches. Which one is “good”? (For Feather M0, aka ARM).

I know the struggle. Try to help you.
First: use ONE library, and drop all others:
I use Arduino 1.6.7, it works for 1.6.9 now as well
Put the right DIO pinning in the main code (as stated before). The numbers are the digital port numbers (that is a mapping in the arduino platform to the real port pins).
Decide for ‘the new platform’ or the ‘old croft’. It works for me for the new OTAA platform.
For OTAA: Follow the instructions of ‘ernestospace’ in Over-the-air-activation OTAA with LMIC (so create an application, get the APPEUI, decide/choose an DEVEUI and get the APPKEY from ttnctl)
Use the ttn.ino example.
For me, the code did NOT work, no joining (which is needed in OTAA). To original code:
// Start job

void loop() {

My Code:
LMIC_setDrTxpow(DR_SF7, 14);
Serial.println(“Send Job”);
LMIC.dn2Dr = SF9;

void loop() {


So i Did add a runloop once statement to get things working. Insert Serial debug statements to test the flow. I still think there are stability issues with the M0. Maybe because of the USB / serial emulation in code, may be because of the OSticks. No interrupts are used, because, well say: too difficult. At the end the hal should be re-engineered on the M0.

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Regarding which branch, @kgbvax

I’m running the master branch of @matthijs library on a Feather M0 wired to the Adafruit Lora board (RFM95).

I had to reduce the SPI clock speed to 8E6 in hal.cpp.
Also fixed bug in disableChannel (for US/NA code path).

(both changes submitted as PR’s to repo)

  • Frank
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Thanks everybody for sharing info on the Feather M0! I got the ttn-example working after wiring up DIO1 and decreasing the SPI clock speed.

I’m however getting RSSI values around -100, which is lower than I expected… I’m using a 1/4 wave wire antenna and the gateway is about 5 m away, through a wall. Is this normal?

My other sensor with a SX1276MB1MAS mbed shield gives about RSSI -50 in the same spot (proper antenna on that one though)

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Very good catch. :)wink:
This is a hardware bug in the silicon of ATSAMD21G18A (in fact for all D21 chip if I’m not mistaken) for revision A, B & C. Maximum SPI clock is limited to 8 MHz both as master or slave. If your chip has marking D or newer, it should be able to run at half of the processor clock (48 MHz/2 = 24 MHz).


Has anyone actually gotten the Adafruit LoRa Feather working? I’m using the code of the great @matthijs but my board gets thrashed if the startup function includes os_init().

@jeffy not yet, but that’s why I’m asking: what Feather did you test with as a node?

I’m a DanW collector… finishing ? No never, then it will lose it’s value :wink:

Thanks for the reply @ursm!

I’m testing a Adafruit Feather 32u4 RFM95 LoRa Radio -915 MHz

Thanks to your help I got it to work! \o/

Speaking of DanW, have you heard from him? Can’t wait for some of his new updates.

No, maybe he’s on holiday

Hi Everyone,
I have a FeatherM0 lora module and a Multitech conduit Gateway.
I have installed the following library and trying to run the example code

I have made the required hardware and code changes as given in the previous posts.
I am using the US frequencies.
I get the following error when I compile the ttn code on Arduino IDE - ‘DR_SF12’ was not declared in this scope
Can someone please guide me how to rectify the error?

If you’re in the US, then maybe try this fork:

Thank you.
I am able to compile and upload the code with no errors now.
Now I am trying to receive packets on my Conduit Gateway.
For which I have to do the following

node add [DevAddr] [APPEUI] [DEVEUI] [NwkSKey] [AppSKey]

Where do I define the APPEUI and DEVEUI in the code?
I am getting an error "expected primary-expression before ‘}’ token " if I try to define them as follows
void os_getArtEui (u1_t* buf) {0x2B,0x7E,0x15,0x16,0x28,0xAE,0xD2,0xA6,}
void os_getDevEui (u1_t* buf) {0x2B,0x7E,0x15,0x16,0x28,0xAE,0xD2,0xA6,}
void os_getDevKey (u1_t* buf) {0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10,}

I have attached the screen shot of the LoRa configuration in my gateway

Sorry, I’m very confused. What is that line?
It looks like you want to register your node directly on your gateway? You have to register them on the TTN backend instead. There is a detailed guide here if you like the command line, or if you prefer a GUI, then just head over to and then you will be able to create your applications, get an AppEUI assigned, and register devices to it.

Check the wiki, there’s a lot of info there:

Hi @Galagaking … i was able to compile but when I run serial … it stuck at “starting” … using rockectsream m0 …and … it stuck at osinit( ). …


Not sure if you still have the problem, but you have a comma (,) in all 3 lines just before the closing barcket (})

Hello @Galagaking

I also try to get my M0 running on TTN.

Unfortunately I am a little bit confused.
You wrote DIO0 is connected to D4 and for DIO1 and DIO2 we have to choose one of a free PIN (e.g. 6 and 11). However, you put PIN 5 at the pin mapping. Should it not be PIN 4?

Thanks for clarify

Hello @chaoscrack , sorry about the confusion:
.rst = LMIC_UNUSED_PIN, // possible 4 for the adafruit board
.dio = {5, 6, 11}, // DIO0, DIO1, DIO2 data pins

So DIO0-> D5, DIO1->D6 and DIO2->D11, As an extra (but seems not really needed) connect rst to D4 (and then you have to change the rst=LMIC_UNUSED_PIN in rst=4. Let me know if you have any questions!