Adding dev_eui to a payload

Hi all.

I have a number of adeunis pulse devices where I have a payload formatter that simply outputs the 2 avaiable channel values in the payload. It works great for the webhooks I currently have. However, I have a new webhook that I need to get the data too but it requires that a unique identifier be within the formatted payload. I’d like to add the dev_eui as part of the formatted payload that hits the webhook but I have no idea how to achieve that as i’m still learning the basics. If anyone could assist or point me i the right direction it would be appreciated.

function decodeUplink(input) {
let type=input.bytes[0]
return {
data: {
bytes: input.bytes,
CH1Count: (input.bytes[5]
/ 1,
//Apply meter scale by divide or multiply on line above

  CH2Count: (input.bytes[9]
  / 1,
  //Apply meter scale by divide or multiply on line above
warnings: [],
errors: []


Is this your colleague asking the very same question earlier today?

Closing as duplicate …