Adeunis Field tester: Question about RSSI and SNR


I have a Adeunis Field tester here. The device shows RSSI and SNR values, see here:

  1. Its logical to me that RSSI and SNR are calculated by the Adeunis for the received downlink. Just asking to be sure :slight_smile:

  2. At least here in EU868, Downlinks can be and are usually sent with much more power (27dBm) than uplinks (14dBm). So I don’t see the real use of having these values for the downlink, as the bottleneck should always be the uplink.

  3. But having these values anyway, is there some kind of standard formula to approximiately guess the uplink values, e.g. -105db RSSI on a 27dBm downlink would equal a (-105 - 13 = ) -118 dB RSSI on a -14dB uplink? I am aware that this can never lead to exact results as the signal for an uplink might be reflected differently from buildings etc than the downlink and that the only exact value can be gathered at the gateway.

Thanks& best regards