After upgrading Semtech mote to MAC version, OTAA no longer works with The Things Gateway?

Is Semtech MAC version supported by The Things Gateway ?
It looks like I’m not able to join .

The gateway is just a dumb air to IP forwarder which does not care about MAC versions. It only requires LoRaWAN packets with a valid CRC.

Thanks for your comment Jac. I have updated a mote to Semtech MAC version and it seems the join procedure is not working anymore on TTN.
In ABP mode it works.
On other network , like Proximus MyThings and Multitech , I see no problem.

My guess is an back-end incompatibility issues. Not a gateway issue. Is that MAC (got a link?) LoRaWAN 1.0.2 compatible?

It should be LoRaWAN version 1.0.3 March 2018 compatible.

see :