AS923 Routers

We’re trying to validate AS923 region support for our product and are running into difficulties due to the many variations. Can anyone explain the difference between the different routers that are available? There are currently five different AS923 routers to point the packet forwarder to:

  • – Southeast Asia 923 MHz
  • – Southeast Asia 920-923 MHz
  • – Southeast Asia 923-925 MHz
  • – Japan 923-925 MHz (with EIRP cap according to Japanese regulations)
  • – Australia (Southeast Asia 923MHz frequency plan)

There are only two different AS923 frequency plans that I can see, so are these different routers just for geographical connectivity, or does each one provide a different frequency plan?

Also, what is the difference between the packet forwarder routers and the router configured in the gateway settings of the TTN console? For example:

  • meshed-router –
  • ttn-router-asia-se –
  • ttn-router-jp –

Any information is appreciated!

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I am wondering the same thing. But there hasn’t been a reply for days. Any information is appreciated!

The configuration in the TTN console can be read by some packet forwarder startup scripts so for those there is no need to configure it on the gateway as well. The routers are the same routers independent of the place where you configure them. (TTN gateway, MultiTech with mp_pkt_fwd, RPi with resin use console configuration)

By using the correct router for a frequency plan you remove the ‘guesswork’ the back-end otherwise performs to determine the frequency plan the gateway uses.

Thanks for the explanation. That’s very helpful.