AWS IoT Integration failed to send to lorawan/+/uplink

AWS IoT Integration is sending to the automatically created: thethings/lorawan/+/uplink
but not to lorawan/+/uplink as mentioned in documentation:

lorawan/+/uplink was working but stopped receiving 25th January 2024 (devices are confirmed to still be sending).

I identified in logs that TTN AWS IoT Integration updated from Go version switched from 1.21 to 1.24 on January 25th and coincides with the timestamp and date that messages stopped.

I have verified issue using MQTT test client.

Can someone please help determine if this is an update to the integration, an issue with AWS or something else? Any guidance is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

You might want to also flag on the TTN Slack using #support channel…TTI Core more likely to pick up from there

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Can you please send me an invite link as I can’t find an active link to join?

Thank you.

Have you upgraded your AWS IoT deployment version Ref: The Things Industries Status - Upgrading AWS IoT Integration for The Things Stack to version 1.3.1