Azure Iot Integration The page you requested cannot be found

Hi everybody, This morning when I tried to open the page in my console about Azure Iot Integration I have this message .

Basically I have a message “page you requested cannot be found”.

Similar problems there are with other integration environment (Lora) but not for other service (eg AWS works fine).
I tried to make Logout Log in, delete the cache… but the problems remain.

Anybody had a similar issue?

I see same issue here. Dev Tools reports:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
trycatch.js:161 GET[my-app-id]/packages/associations/196?field_mask=data 404

There was a recent upgrade to v3.21.0 - possibly that has introduced the issue?

I tried to create a new application but the problem remains. I hope that this is a temporary issue because if the problem persist I could be locked.

I don’t know if it’s a problem of the version. 2 days ago the Azure IoT integration page worked fine.