Backup TTN Stack v3 Devices

Hi everyone

I am using the things stack open source v3.12.3. Can anyone help on how to backup or export all the created devices within the application. I only see an option for importing devices but not for exporting them. I also see that there is a ttn-lw-migrate tool, is it possible to use it to export ttn v3 devices or is only used when migrating from v2 to v3.

Thank you

Use the CLI

I don’t know if I am missing something here but, when I try to use the CLI (ttn-lw-migrate) I get the error.


I don’t know if is the right CLI for exporting the devices. I can’t find a way on how to export these devices on v3.

From the error message I think you didn’t make the setup for cli access.

I did the setup please see below:
Screenshot (143)

I don’t know if there is anything I did wrong.

The migration tool is to get devices OUT of v2.

You have pointed the tool at a v3 instance …

Try the CLI tool

Thanks @descartes, can you please point me to where can I find the CLI command for exporting the devices, I only see commands for migration tool.


thanks, I have successfully exported the devices.