Best end device board for measuring temperature, oil level, etc, and for controlling in an Industry?

Some device to teach students for putting in practice in a real application in the Automotive Industry? And for using with The Things Network

I am a teacher and I want to prepare my students for working in an industrial application (measure temperature and oil level from an industrial machinery) and controll some relays., but we are serching for the best board. Any sugesstions?

Please do not post essentially the same question multiple times. It splits discussions unnecessarily.

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What have you found so far - saves us suggesting things you’ve eliminated.

And the selection process would be useful for the students - come up with the criteria and rate each potential device against it.

And through the power of forum search :wink: you will know that we do not consider LoRaWAN good for command & control unless the device itself has good fail-safes. Any CnC design should incorporate the assumption that you send a command, the device acts on it but they you can no longer communicate with it - like turning on a pump - will it turn off by itself?

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LoRaWAN are suitable for applications more where long rang (100’sm to km) radio links are required. It is also geared more too low power consumption and measurements or telematics send every few minutes to hours. (not that you can’t continues do measurements and sent only when they are out of range).

There are a few boards and some really nice base code to get you going.

You can try LMIC-node to LMIC-node to mention two good stating points for code.

Boards there are a selection you can’t believe - these are a few, but if you Google you will find more.

At the end of the day all of this is dependent on your application, both board and code

LoRa development boards with integrated LoRa support:

Board-id Board name

adafruit_feather_32u4_lora ; Adafruit Feather 32u4 LoRa

adafruit_feather_m0_lora ; Adafruit Feather M0 LoRa

disco_l072cz_lrwan1 ; Discovery B-L072Z-LRWAN1

heltec_wifi_lora_32_v2 ; Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2

heltec_wifi_lora_32 ; Heltec Wifi LoRa 32

heltec_wireless_stick_lite ; Heltec Wireless Stick Lite

heltec_wireless_stick ; Heltec Wireless Stick

lopy4 ; Pycom Lopy4

lora32u4II ; BSFrance LoRa32u4 II v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3

ttgo_lora32_v1 ; TTGO LoRa32 v1.3

ttgo_lora32_v2 ; TTGO LoRa32 v2.0

ttgo_lora32_v21 ; TTGO LoRa32 v2.1.6

ttgo_t_beam ; TTGO T-Beam v0.5, v0.6, v0.7

ttgo_t_beam_v1 ; TTGO T-Beam v1.0, v1.1

Development boards that require an external SPI LoRa module:

Board-id Board name

adafruit_qt_py_m0 ; Adafruit QT Py

blackpill_f103c8_128k ; Black Pill 128k

blackpill_f103c8 ; Black Pill 64k

bluepill_f103c8_128k ; Blue Pill 128k

bluepill_f103c8 ; Blue Pill 64k

lolin_d32_pro ; Lolin D32 Pro

lolin_d32 ; Lolin D32

lolin32 ; Lolin32

nodemcu_32s ; NodeMCU-32S

nodemcuv2 ; NodeMCU V2

pico ; Raspberry Pi Pico

pro8mhzatmega328 ; Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8Mhz

samd21_m0_mini ; SAMD21 M0-Mini

teensylc ; Teensy LC

What do you think about The things UNO or Arduino MKR 1310?

I was thinking in Arduino MKR 1310 or the Things UNO for working in measuring data and for controlling a water pump, but there’s so many boards like ttgo, heltec, sorry I am new on this.

Thanks I am new on this.

No need to reply to each & every individual - particularly when you appear to have two accounts - why is that?

And what does your research tell you about both devices? How would you summarise the questions & comments on this forum for them?

You should explain what you are actually trying to do. What you are monitoring, how much data you want to receive and how often. Of significant importance is how often you want to send commands to control these nodes.

How reliable does the system need to be, is it a problem if it stops working etc, etc.

I am actually trying to measure temperture, humidity, oil level every 1 minute from an Industrial machinery and measure the water well level from de factory., and when the water well level is lower 2 meters start a water pump.

I am new on LoRa and LoRaWAN, I have seen so many devices over the Internet: Things UNO, Arduino MKR 1310, TTGO, HELTEC, etc…I dont know much about these, but I want to learn and explain to the students which will be working with more practices in the school.

I’d recommend you stop looking for a device and look at the basics of LoRaWAN - you can measure every minute but you can’t feasibly send every minute - so this may not be a good example to teach with.

Check out:

So you need a system that receives very very regular data updates and when something exceeds a certain parameter, you can absolutly guarantee that a certain action is commanded and completed ?

Does not sound like a TTN compatible application.

What you may need is a system whereby the nodes work on a send and acknowledge basis, both in the data transmissions from the node and in the control packets sent to the node.

[quote=“LoRaTracker, post:14, topic:57372”]
So you need a system that receives very very regular data updates and when something exceeds a certain parameter, you can absolutly guarantee that a certain action is commanded and completed ?

Yes, What is your recommendation, working with the nodes in LoRA instead of LoRaWAN?

Point to point maybe, but that would be out of scope for discussion on this forum.

I think you may have assumed that TTN is suited for industrial control applications but its unlikely, since there are no guarantees for packet reception or even complete system availability.

Perhaps ask the question in a general purpose electronics forum, providing details of data rates etc.

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