Blank Page "client console not found"

I’ve just made a fresh ubuntu install. Every step went quite well.
in the end, I had a login page that turn into a blank non-secured page after login. TLS certificatt seems not working. My ./acme directory is empty. here as per below some lines of my config file
==== ttn-lw-stack-docker.yml ======
- ./blob:/srv/ttn-lorawan/public/blob
- ./config/stack:/config:ro
# If using Let’s Encrypt:
- ./acme:/var/lib/acme
== docker-compose.yml
# If deploying on a public server:
- “80:1885”
- “443:8885”
- “1881:1881”
- “8881:8881”
- “1882:1882”
- “8882:8882”
- “1883:1883”
- “8883:8883”
- “1884:1884”
- “8884:8884”
- “1885:1885”
- “8885:8885”
- “1887:1887”
- “8887:8887”
- “1700:1700/udp”
If using custom certificates:
- ca.pem

  • cert.pem
    - key.pem

-If using custom certificates:
file: ./ca.pem
file: ./cert.pem
file: ./key.pem

== Install directory output

drwxr-xr-x 2 886 886 4096 Nov 15 07:00 acme
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 15 07:01 blob
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 15 07:00 config
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 2009 Nov 15 07:00 docker-compose.yml

========= docker-compose logs output =============
WARN OAuth error {“client_id”: “console”, “error”: “error:pkg/identityserver/store:client_not_found (client console not found)”, “http.method”: “GET”, “http.path”: "/oauth/

Please can someone help?

Did you run this commands on docker-compose?

Then the command-line interface needs to be registered as an OAuth client:

docker-compose run --rm stack is-db create-oauth-client \
  --id cli \
  --name "Command Line Interface" \
  --owner admin \
  --no-secret \
  --redirect-uri "local-callback" \
  --redirect-uri "code"

Afterwards, the same needs to be done for the Console. If running a multi-tenant environment, use option --tenant-id NULL to register the OAuth client for all tenants. For --secret, make sure to enter the same value as you set for console.oauth.client-secret in the ttn-lw-stack-docker.yml file in the Configuration step.

docker-compose run --rm stack is-db create-oauth-client \
  --id console \
  --name "Console" \
  --owner admin \
  --secret "${CONSOLE_SECRET}" \
  --redirect-uri "${SERVER_ADDRESS}/console/oauth/callback" \
  --redirect-uri "/console/oauth/callback" \
  --logout-redirect-uri "${SERVER_ADDRESS}/console" \
  --logout-redirect-uri "/console"