Can't migrate from V2 to V3 because the migrate app is not allowed to delete

Thanks for the formatting help. I’ve run the following command:
ttn-lw-migrate application --verbose --source ttnv2 "kommunales_personenzaelen" devices_kommunales_personenzaelen.json

~ » ttn-lw-migrate application --source ttnv2 "myapp" --verbose > myapp.json
 DEBUG [core]parsed scheme: ""
 DEBUG [core]scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
 DEBUG [core]ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
 DEBUG [core]ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
 DEBUG [core]Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
 DEBUG [core]pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc00075fac0, {CONNECTING <nil>}
 DEBUG [core]Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
 DEBUG [core]pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc00075fac0, {READY <nil>}
 DEBUG [core]Channel Connectivity change to READY
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=72.726973ms method=/discovery.Discovery/GetByAppID service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
 DEBUG [core]parsed scheme: ""
 DEBUG [core]scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
 DEBUG [core]ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
 DEBUG [core]ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
 DEBUG [core]Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
 DEBUG [core]pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc0001704e0, {CONNECTING <nil>}
 DEBUG [core]Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
 DEBUG [core]pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc0001704e0, {READY <nil>}
 DEBUG [core]Channel Connectivity change to READY
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=133.805999ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/GetDevicesForApplication service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=25.996441ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/GetDevice service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
  INFO Clearing device keys                     dev_eui=xxxx device_id=home-node-1
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=54.338871ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/SetDevice service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=27.921412ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/GetDevice service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
  INFO Clearing device keys                     dev_eui=xxxx device_id=home-uno-b199
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=34.82058ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/SetDevice service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=36.46346ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/GetDevice service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
  INFO Clearing device keys                     dev_eui=xxxx device_id=uno-1707
 DEBUG rpc-client: call done                    auth-type=key duration=27.273897ms method=/handler.ApplicationManager/SetDevice service-name=ttn-lw-migrate service-version=2.x.x
 DEBUG [core]Channel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN
 DEBUG [core]Channel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN
 DEBUG [core]Subchannel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN

I just did a check and it works for me. When did you attempt this? Also is there any difference between
`pax_heltecv2_10521c5ad67cfeff ` and `pax_heltecv2_10521c5ad70cfeff `?

The migrate tool is now working for me.
Thank you for the assistance!

I migrated an other application without any problems.
Don’t know what is special in the other one, migrated it manually.
Thanks for your support.

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