Cayenne LPP - no decode in console


I set my data as followed in the sketch:

CayenneLPP lpp(51);
float measuredTemp;
float measuredHum;
float measuredPres;
lpp.addTemperature(1, measuredTemp);
lpp.addRelativeHumidity(2, measuredHum);
lpp.addBarometricPressure(3, measuredPres);
lpp.addVoltage(4, measure_batt() / 1000.0F);

LMIC_setTxData2(1, lpp.getBuffer(), lpp.getSize(), 0);

I receive the data in the console but it does not decode them correctly.


It only shows the received bytes but does not show the fields for temperature, pressure, …
Payload format is set to Cayenne LPP.

How can I proceed to analyse my problem?


Console always shows raw data without a decoder. You need a Cayenne LPP decoder.

Or use App.

The Cayenne LPP decoder is one of the choices in the ‘Payload Formats’ screen.

oh, okay, i didn’t know that. Long time ago i looked at the menus…



Dont assume I am an expert mind, I only found it myself a couple of days ago.

Cayenne LPP is already activated in the Payload Format

Hello Everyone, i have an almost similar situation but the difference is that I get the payload decoded correctly when I use only “Temperature, Humidity & pressure Sensors”, the console shows the decoded payload like this:


Once I add the distance sensor value to the lpp object the decoded data on the console suddenly become a raw data


what could be the wrong issue here ?