Claim gateway error

I got an error during gateway claim what should I do?
Problem is now two getaways with same eui in console?

I can’t see two EUI’s, I can see two ID’s.

Delete non-working entries and try again in the first instance.

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I got an warning when I delete a getaway I loose my eui and can’t register it again.
So was quite careful with it.
So should I do? Ok in details their is no eui in entry so a general server problem. I will delete both. THX
Now worked :+1::blush:
First problem was that had the server error seen in first picture.
But id was created with no eui in it. I tried second and got same server error. Now third try was ok.

No you get a warning that you can’t use the same gateway id again. The gateway id is not the EUI. It is a ‘random’ name you come up with.

Whilst amusing that you marked your own monologue as the solution, it’s not clear enough from your narrative what the solution may be, it’s based on exactly what I said, delete & try again and so you don’t get to take the credit!

For others finding this topic, the claiming is complicated, reaching out to other servers on the internet, so some attempts don’t work first time.

And, as @kersing and I’ve put on dozens of other posts:

EUI is not ID!

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