CMWX1ZZABZ-078 DevEUI embedded?

I’m using b-l072z-lrwan1 discovery board.I’ve read deveui on this device via uart port.If I buy the cmwx1zzabz-078/091 lora module myself is it deveui in embedded?

It is according to the modem manual for the module.

PS, I’ve adjusted the title of your query as it was VERY vague - please consider why anyone would read a topic called “I have a question”

Thanks for your help

You can hardcode the Dev EUI using code if you want. If you use the I-CUBE-LRWAN stack, you can set the DEV EUI in commissioning.h.

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We aim to stick to official EUI’s if possible - and if they are paid for & provided by the vendor, best to use them.

Thing to keep in mind is there’s only two types of storage in there - the program flash, and the eeprom. Lots of routine operations will wipe both out; given STM32’s like to randmoly lock themselves from time to time, you have to plan on the possibility of having to do an unlock erase.

The factory EUI would mostly be primarily intended for if you were using the AT command firmware that shipped in it; if you upload your own custom version of that or anything else, it’s going to take care to preserve electronic storage of a unique setting, and likely re-locate it to wherever your version expects to find it. If it’s on a sticker or something you can easily restore it.

Otherwise you’ll have to have either written it down, or generate a new one.

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thank you for informing