Creating Applications using API over HTTP

Hi. I am new to the TTN system. I want to manage my TTN account using code developed at my side, using the API that is given. However, I am not sure how to start. I have read through the documentation but, the information which details API does not clearly state how to connect the user id and how to create the applications through the API.

I have created an application through the web interface, but am more keen on doing the same through the API. However, I am not sure how the user id, access key etc should be generated or provided to the API to enable remote application creation. I also read the similar suggestions on the forum, using ttncli, but, this may not make the system truly real time and requires some very good scripting skills which i am currently short off, right now.

Please help.

Because you can’t. The HTTP API integration acts on existing applications and it’s devices and initially authenticates using a key setup for the application, exchanging it for a token if you want to do a sequence of operations.

I’m not aware of it being any more or less responsive than an HTTP call.

It doesn’t really require any better scripting skills than writing HTTP cURL requests, if anything, easier as all the authentication can be setup at the command line on install.

You haven’t mentioned which web server language you are using, so in generic terms, you’d figure out how to do it at the command line and then have something like:

result = System.CommandLineCall(“ttnctl applications add MyNewApp DescriptionOfAmazingAppCreatedFromTheCommandLineViaAWebScriptSystemCall”)