Data Consumption significantly increased since 18th April 2023

I noticed that data consumption of all my gateways connected to TTN with 4G backhaul (of different models and located on different sites), significantly increased since the 18th of April.
Does someone have an explanation?
Thanks in advance,


Meaning? 5% more, 50%, 500%?

Type/firmware version?

Anything to do with a Monday update? If there was an update that day (17th?) look at what was called out as planned system changes and how may impact your gw models. Which cluster are you on? Also consider any impact to your nodes as may have triggered additional LNS traffic associated with node management (obviously difficult to judge if impacting mis-behaving nodes from other users heard by your GW)s). No wider reporting of any issues so may be specific you your own situation…

Hi Jeff,

I would say an average of 50% increase.
I use TTIG and Tektelic Kona Micro gateways (with Packet Forwarder). Sorry, I don’t know the firmware versions of these last ones.
These gateways are on cluster Europe 1.
The number of nodes connected to these gateway didn’t change during this period. One of the gateway only see my nodes (there is no other LoRaWAN nodes around) but still the data consumption has increased.

What else :
For 4G backhaul, I use two different SIM card providers.
On the Tektelic gateways (from day 1) I changed the value of the stat-interval to 14400 (by default it was set to 30s).
