Data display error in console

Good morning community, I have been having this error today although it specifies that it is not generated by the gateway or the devices, I would like to know if there is any solution for the problem or how long to wait for it to work correctly.
“time”: “2023-12-13T17:27:08.047Z”,
“name”: “synthetic.error.unknown”,
“isError”: true,
“isSynthetic”: true,
“unique_id”: “synthetic.1702488428047”,
“data”: {
“error”: “Error: Error in WebSocket connection”

Not without getting fibre from the data centre to your location.

That’s up to your internet connection - it’s a hiccup in the responsiveness of your web browser to the back end - it could be too much load on your computer or too much load on your ISP etc etc.

Although one could suggest that the wait time will be exactly proportional to your payments for TTN.

Please format logs / text / JSON with the </> tool and search, which will bring this recurring issue up in quantity, is your friend.