Data recovery from the server on a web platform

Hi everyone. I would like to ask for your help with this. I have been looking for videos to connect my web platform to the server but I haven’t found anything. I would like if you give me the procedure or direct me to a source that can be useful. Thank you very much.

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By data recovery, do you mean a server that has a corrupt disk, as the title doesn’t seem to fit well with the text and the text is lacking in all sorts of detail - like which web platform, what is “the server” and have you seen the Learn link at the top of this page and the link on every single console page to the documentation?

OK. Let me put it another way. I have created my own air quality website to be more precise. I would now like to post some data I received on the things stack on my own website. So I would like you to guide me on how to retrieve the data from the LoRaWAN server, i.e. the things on my own website that I have created.

You need to read the documentation regarding integrations, choose one and store the values the integration provides on you own server, for instance in a database. Then your website can query that database to show the latest values or values over time in a table or graph or whatever visualization you want. TTN does not store the data for any significant time for you (not even in the database integration).

All right. I see can you tell me the link where I can get the information to complete my project? Thank you very much.

There probably is not one page. Start with integrations, then use search to find information on handling uplink data with php on this forum and take it from there.
