'data storage integration' and raw string

At the moment I have several sensor nodes built with a Arduino pro mini and RFM95.
I use the “data storage” integration to store the sensor data.
From a RasPi-3 with Domoticz_home_automation running on it every 5 minutes I do a query to get the last 15 minutes of data.

From one sensor I send humidity, temperature and battery status and the stored data looks like this:


“device_id”: “si7021”,
“humi”: 43,
“raw”: “Eg0rIQ8=”,
“temp”: 18.13,
“time”: “2019-02-17T15:11:23.672580772Z”,
“volt”: 3315

I see the sensor data that I can import into domoticz but I also get a “raw” string.
I wonder what data is encoded in the ‘raw’ string.

How can I decode this?
Could there be some info like: SNR and RSSI in it?

The raw string is just the ‘encoded’ data (the input to the decoder function), not the meta data you are looking for.

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tnx for your answer.
Now I know this is useless information for me because I have the data already decoded.

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