Device Registration - problem with fixed keys

For ABP activation method my End Device has factory predefined:

Using “DEVICE SETTINGS” form I can enter:

But “Devaddress” is assigned by network server and is not customizable. Of course assigned “devaddress” (by TTN NS) is different to factory “devaddress”. And finally my End Device can’t connect to TTN.

How I can fix problem?

buy a different enddevice without preprogrammed keys.

If anything other than the DevEUI is fixed, it’s probably bad (fixed meaning that you as a developer can’t change it)

Fixed Device Address (DevAddr) - this means your device is locked to a specific operator
Fixed Security Keys (NwkSKey, AppSKey, AppKey) - this is obviously insecure
Fixed Single Channel/Frequency - that’s really bad for the network, don’t use only one frequency unless you really know what you’re doing
Fixed SF12 data rate - that’s really bad for the network and energy consumption of your device. The LoRa Alliance requires network operators to block devices that are fixed to SF12

When shopping, try to find devices that are LoraWAN Certified
Always prefer devices that allow you to change the address and security keys.