Device Status Alert

The TTN console monitors status of Gateways and Devices.
I’d like to generate an alert if the status is offline for either a Gateway or Device.
Any suggestions on how I might do that?
My thinking is if TTN monitors the status, being able to access that flag in someway to generate an alert would be a great benefit.
Thank you.

Check this forum. Multiple solutions have been posted already.

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Thanks for the reply. I didn’t post until after I had spent quite a bit of time searching. If you have a solution that comes to mind from the forum or a link, that would be ideal. Or even search terms…

Thank you.

How would TTN know how often a device is supposed to be transmitting?

As for the gateway: monitor gateway status comes to mind?

Aside: sometimes TTN Console has it wrong anyway.

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I’m not sure what the algorithm is that TTN uses to determine a status either. But there is a status indicator on Devices and Gateways that indicates the last contact. TTN also indicates a green or black status next to each Device/Gateway. If we knew what it was and could use that data or have access to it, then we could flag ourselves and create an alert.
TTN may have a longer time period, but if, say, a device or gateway showed 50 minutes and we could trigger an alert from that, then it would be very useful.
I use Cayenne, but sensors don’t have an Online/Offline tag similar to the RPI/Arduino.
The data from the sensors great, but presently I am logging in frequently to make sure that devices are still reporting. Cayenne does’t support the feature yet, tho it is on their radar.
I was just thinking if the data is there and available and we had access to it (and maybe we do) that it would be useful.

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Searching for ‘alert’ results in a result for gateway monitoring as the second result, your question being the first. If you take a few seconds to check the scripting used you’ll see it uses ttnctl which might be a good starting point for your requirements.

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