DevNonce is too small: MLS_SDK_1_0_P_5 & TTI v3.13.1 - SAMR34 Microchip

Hello! I have a XPLAINED PRO SAMR34, I had my code working on MLS_SDK_1_0_P_3, but when upgrading it to 1_0_P_5 and trying to join, on The Things Industries console it appears the message “DevNonce is too small”. I found that MLS_SDK_1_0_P_5 is 1.0.4 in LoRaWAN Core Specification Version. And LoRaWAN Regional Specification version is 1.0.2rB. When I registered the device, I put those settings on TTI.

I also found that when disabling joinBackoffEnable, I can see that DevNonce is incrementing but after a while, the device still cannot join. And when enabling joinBackoffEnable, the device only tries to join once but nothing happens. I would like to know if somebody has used MLS_SDK_1_0_P_5 before.

Also, I doubled check OTAA Join parameters (DevEUI, JoinEUI and AppKey).

Hoppe somebody can help me. :smile:

I haven’t investigated this fully but the work-a-round for now is to use the CLI to reset the devnonce on TTS.

Also, use ABP for developing - saves on the joining issues when testing.


I disabled Duty Cycle limitations and enabled it as “test-mode”, but device keeps re-joining and it says that LoRaWAN Radio is Busy.

Hi Descartes , can you help me with the cli command to reset the devnonce

ttn-lw-cli end-device set [application-id] [device-id] --resets-join-nonces

Hi , I am trying to reset the Devnonce using cli , need help to understand the warnings I am getting after command execution : Only single ID found in arguments, not considering arguments

Intent is to fix devnonce error , In my case after 12 devnonce retries i.e restaring the device 12 times I have to reset the device eui for it to connect again , I am using 1.0.4 version , need help to reset the Devnonce using CLI .

Please confirm if I am using the correct command : .\ttn-lw-cli end-devices set --application-id “7227em” --device-id “a1emiemc” --resets-join-nonces “true”

@Anilkumarreddy, moved this to the original answering topic - no real need to start a new thread at this stage.

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$ ttn-lw-cli end-device set --application-id "20220107-mitto" --device-id "eui-70b3d57ed005090e" --resets-join-nonces "true"

tested with " and without for the arguments provided.
Output is:

WARN    Only single ID found in arguments, not considering arguments
WARN    No fields selected, won't update anything

I’ve never used quotes and I’ve never seen quotes in any of the docs - is this a new thing?

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Just saw that in a post so I have tested both. Didn’t work. Any hint?

I have tested with “set” and “reset” for “last-dev-nonce”, “last-join-nonce”, “resets-join-nonce” the output of “echo %ERRORLEVEL” like

  "ids": {
    "device_id": "eui-...",
    "application_ids": {
      "application_id": "..."
    "dev_eui": "...",
    "join_eui": "0000000000000000",
    "dev_addr": "..."
  "created_at": "2022-04-14T08:20:05.961Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-05-19T08:28:28.696897574Z"
``` with no success. How can I achieve this?