Downlink message from ThingsBoard to TTN

I’ll appreciate some guidance as I have been stuck for two days trying to get my first downlink message to work.

So I have about 10 different Dragino sensors defined as End Devices in an application on TTN. The Application is using a MQTT integration with ThingsBoard. I’ve managed to create all the Payload formatters for the Uplink part, and all the data is successfully arriving in the ThingsBoard dashboard.
On the Downlink side, I followed this example TheThingsNetwork Integration.

The Class C device I am attempting to send a Downlink message to, is a LT-22222-L LoRa I/O Controller.

In the TTN Console when I schedule a Downlink message with the Payload of “05 00 11 07 D0” (via the Messaging function), then the LT-22222-L receives the message and the relays activates for 2 seconds. So I know that TTN → LT-22222-L is working.

On the ThingsBoard side, have adapted example mentioned above, and created the Downlink Data Converter. I can see that the following JSON file is sent to the TTN application, when triggered:

    "topic": "v3/asgt-tb-demo@ttn/devices/a84041ba31839ccf/down/push",
    "payload": {
        "port": 1,
        "confirmed": false,
        "payload_fields": {
            "type": 5,
            "state": 0,
            "duration1": 7,
            "duration2": 208

What I can not get working or figured out, is why I can not see any downlink data arriving in my Application or Device’s “Live data” in the console.

I will really appreciate some pointers or ideas that I can try next. Or if anyone have some examples I can work through.

Thanks in advance.

Hi. I have the same issue with the same device. Did you solve this? Can you share me any advice please?

Hello Jan,

I am having the exact issue with my integration right now. Did you find the way to fix it? If so, would it be possible to share it with me?



You can check if the downlink was scheduled first in the Application Live data. You can enable the verbose option in the console to log potential errors during downlink parsing/scheduling.

Hello, I am dealing with the same process of downlink data from Thingsboard to TTI.
Could you friendly any advice or solution of how to sove it, for receiving downlink data to my TTI end device.
Sincerely Thanks
Khu Khu

As I’ve already started answering your topic, this is the short version:

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