Downlink without HTTP Integration

I have what is probably a dumb question. I think I know the answer, but I’ll ask it anyway.

I turned on HTTP Integrations and linked my application to a free HTTP connection viewer. With the viewer I can see the payload from my devices, and with the payload I can see the URL for the downlink.

I have downlinks working, by copying the URL that I saw and creating an HTTP POST with it.

Now that I have that working, can I turn off HTTP Integrations? I don’t need HTTP Integrations to see data as I am doing it with MQTT. I only needed HTTP Integration to get the downlink URL, which I now have. However, if I want to keep sending downlink messages do I need to keep HTTP Integration?

I expect the answer is yes, I must keep HTTP Integration for the downlink URL to work, but I thought I’d ask anyway.

Thank you.

Don’t know, not tried - but as the terminology you are using indicates you are on v2, I’d seriously look at trying it on v3.

And when I say try it, I mean try it - the only answer you’ll get on the forum is if someone has tried it and it may as well be you!

I’m going to move on to v3 soon. Honest!

Can I still use downlinks on v3?

Is v3 supported on (I’m in New Zealand)?

I can, I can’t say if you can.

What have you checked, searched or looked at in any of the significant number of posts on the forum plus the documentation plus the link on the v2 console that takes you to an explanatory page that has a link to the v3 console that leads to …

Oops. Busted.


I have looked at the V3 upgrade documentation, and I fully intend to do it soon, however, I got the general impression that it was aimed at the bulk of TTN users, whereas I have had to hunt down details for the AU cluster which (apparently) is the best one for users in NZ.

It has taken me a while to get to grips with TTN as a whole, so I am reluctant to change. However, I realise I have little choice, and to be fair, it all works and I am very grateful to be a part of such a grand endeavour.

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V3 is the successor where the differences for the different regions disappear when it comes to functionality, integrations etc etc. There are now (at least) three instances around the world all running the same software and the same integrations at the same ports and in the same way.