Ebyte E78-868LN22S

Hi there,

i got some Ebyte E78-868LN22S SW Version 4.0, the datasheet seems to be older than the firmware…
I tried to set it up in a german lorawan so 868MHz, in both methods OTAA / ABP. Nothing to see in my console for the device nor the gateway. the module doesn’t even draw more current when I await it to connect to gateway. I’ver the break out board USB version as well as the single chip with DIY breakout, same behviour.

So may question is, anybody had a successfull join and datatransfer with those modules?
In addition i’ve a CDEBYTE E78-DTU(900LN22) which is working just fine.

Any suggestions anyone? Looking forward for some support, thanks in advance!!

BR Jochen

HI jochenstromberg !

About two years ago I was successful with some E78 868LN22S modules in OTAA and ABP modes
I live in France (868MHz) , my TTIG gateway is in the attic
Modules came from EBYTE/CDEBYTE chop on Aliexpress
No firmware changed for the inside ASR6501 chip

As I look to log notes I see that :

Device used LoRaWAN version 1.0.2, Regional Parameters 1.0.2 rev B
AT+CGMM? reported E78-900M22S (but E7868LN22S seen on module’s metal lid)
AT+CGMR? reported SF V1.0


Thanks to Alain,

That ist exact what i saw…

I have the USB breakouts with Firmware 4.0 which does Not Work. I got two stamps / barr Chips with FW 3.0 those Work. Furthermore i tested a DTU 78 steal cased device, using also an E78 868 ln 22s with a Special DTU Firmware in Alpha state, working properly also.

For gateway i am using a sensecap.

I requested some Firmware Infos at Ebyte, WE will See how their Support will react…

I am located in middle Germany near Frankfurt

so some more details:
not working version is:

RX: +CGMR=v4.0

Working one in “steel metal case” E78-DTU:
Lora 1.0.2/ 1.2.0.b


working one as “stamp / bare chip”:
Lora 1.0.1 1.0.1


Please format the log output with the </> - it makes it much easier to read.

As you’re able to get the serial output, perhaps consider showing us what actually happens which is the heart of the matter - show us the serial output of a join attempt.

I’ve tested the E78-868LN22S(6601) in germany without problems.
I checked the version of the module which gives me:


-Low Power Consumption (CLPM) does not work at all got <+CME ERROR:1>
-Downlink queue works for me not as expected

Hi Snatch,

that sounds quite promising. I got following parameters:


So exactly the same, are there any other parameters you nedeed to set? Are you using it on an own PCB or on the preconfigurated USB Testboard?

Which device settings are you using in the TTN Console?

@descartes: sorry missed your answer, there is no further serial output:

gives me (after some time) a:


is there any hint getting more detailed information from the device?
can’t find any reaction in the console of gateway or device…

In general I tested my gateway with several EByte devices as descripted above, even the chip familiy with FW Version 3 is working, I can’t catch the point what’s wrong here,.Even I’ve two identical USB Boards assembled by Ebyte and sourced from their webshop, so I don’t think they are faked or whatever…

Still looking forward finding the root cause.

BR Jochen

Not from me. I use eByte SX126x modules occasionally but I’m not a user of AT based modules.

Can you look on the gateway logs - the internal ‘what’s just happened’ bit - to see if anything is being heard by the gateway, even if it’s not passing the CRC check.

An OK join request that’s heard by the gateway would appear in the gateway console on TTN. So that’s the first step to solve. Maybe an antenna issue. Maybe the firmware is borked - can you downgrade to v3.

What do @ebyteiot have to say?

Given the cost of the modules, you may want to move on to something like the Seeed Wio-E5 based module.