EMB 130x no further registration possible

I use a Raspberry Pi zero 1.1 to operate a used EMB 130x board as a gateway. Everything actually works. I also registered the gateway under ttn.
Because I initially had difficulty getting it to work, I deleted it from ttn. Now I wanted to register it again and get this message.

“code”: 6,
“message”: “error:pkg/util/store:id_taken (ID already taken, choose a different one and try again)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.ErrorDetails”,
“namespace”: “pkg/util/store”,
“name”: “id_taken”,
“message_format”: “ID already taken, choose a different one and try again”,
“correlation_id”: “15721eaa3e5c420193d03cbb12f64433”,
“cause”: {
“namespace”: “pkg/util/store”,
“name”: “already_exists”,
“message_format”: “already exists”,
“correlation_id”: “59f08dc10f5346c18b100c3475e26ce1”,
“code”: 6
“code”: 6

I would be happy if there is a solution for this.


You can be happy, there is a solution for this. Search the forum, the error message is quoted about once a week and the responses contain the solution.

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