Error adding gateway removed

I am having the error of being able to add a gateway that was previously deleted.

“code”: 6,
“message”: “error:pkg/util/store:id_taken (ID already taken, choose a different one and try again)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/util/store”,
“name”: “id_taken”,
“message_format”: “ID already taken, choose a different one and try again”,
“correlation_id”: “2ea47abb41114b05911e5ab9276de6e9”,
“cause”: {
“namespace”: “pkg/util/store”,
“name”: “already_exists”,
“message_format”: “already exists”,
“correlation_id”: “0005f4bee0ef41d3a50d57d024004386”,
“code”: 6
“code”: 6

Read the error message, think ID =!= EUI.
And if you still need more, search the forum with this error message as this question comes up (almost) weekly so there is a wealth of information available.

It is deeply disappointing that having asked on Slack that you did not follow the advice that I gave which is IDENTICAL to the advice that @kersing has given you.

Please do not contact anyone via private message but put in to action the advice you have been given.