Error:pkg/account/oidc:create_user (failed to create account)


after a reregistration with the same email adresse, i get this error output.

Can someone please help me further to solve this problem?

Thanks and greetings Felix

Error output from
“code”: 13,
“message”: “error:pkg/account/oidc:create_user (failed to create account)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/account/oidc”,
“name”: “create_user”,
“message_format”: “failed to create account”,
“correlation_id”: “7f28eba7e5844bfba41990d115cdf6cb”,
“code”: 13,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2

Hi @Felix_Sauer ,

Your TTN v3 internal account still held the email of your previous account. I’ve updated it now and hopefully you should be able to login.

Hi @adrianmares,

I have the same problem with my account.
Could you please help me too?

Thank you.

Hello @helag-electronic,

You should be able to login now.

Hello @adrianmares

Thank you very much for the help. Now it works. However, I have another problem with registering a gateway that I have already registered through another account. Could you write me a personal message to solve this problem? I am new here and unfortunately I don’t know how to write a private message.

Thank you very much in advance.

Simples, just click on the name of the person you want to contact and “Message” as an option will be one of the 1st things you see… Note TTI core team may not always be active on the forum or may be blanking Forum notifications to avoid excess interrupts so general questions may often best be addressed openly on the forum with contributors chipping in based on experience. Also, best practice is use forum search before raising a question…often same issues raised previously by others

You can register a gateway just once, however you can share it with a collaborator and remove the original collaborator if you want move it to a different account. Just make sure there is at least one active collaborator for each gateway.

The gateway ist already removed from the first account so there is no active collaborator anymore. The error is “ID already taken”. How can I fix that?

This is the error code:
“code”: 6,
“message”: “error:pkg/identityserver/store:id_taken (ID already taken)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/identityserver/store”,
“name”: “id_taken”,
“message_format”: “ID already taken”,
“correlation_id”: “d1acd63d6e7d413e8adb1a1c5020f0c1”,
“code”: 6

ID already taken means exactly that - you will need to use a new aka different ID

Can I change the ID of my gateway?

ID is not EUI on TTS - it’s just a bunch of letters & numbers for you to use - so yes, you can change the ID of your gateway.

But your brain is thinking something different. On the gateway EUI is ID - which you don’t need to change.

So use the gateway EUI (which is known as ID in the global_json.conf) for the EUI and just make up a new ID as you can not use your old ID. See the documentation:

Thank you very much. I fixed it.
Now the registration of th application. The application is still registered on the first account. What do I have to do to register it on the new account?

Type stuff in to the web console just like you did the first time and stop creating new accounts - never known to help a situation and only known to confuse the user as to which one they are logged in to and then, subsequently, those trying to support / help them.

In short, there is no one button migration of applications between accounts.

I face the same problem.
„cod”: 13,
“message”: “eroare:pkg/account/oidc:create_user (crearea contului eșuată)”,
“Detalii”: [
@type”: „”,
“namespace”: “pkg/account/oidc”,
“name”: “create_user”,
“message_format”: “Nu s-a putut crea contul”,
“corelation_id”: “a322bc8fbe9f407a8ff6c8fceee4b154”,
„cod”: 13,
“Detalii”: [
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2
@type”: „”,
“message_format”: “pq: valoarea cheii duplicate încalcă constrângerea unică “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
„cod”: 2

You should be able to login now.

Hi, same error here: Error ID: error:pkg/account/oidc:create_userCorrelation ID: 51efd5344861421b9907e77712a6b79c
How can I fix it?


Hi @Rob67ert, you should be able to login now hopefully.

1 Like

Hello Core Team,
I have the same issue, as arix07 in Oct 26. Sure another CorrelationID.
It would be great, if you can help me, thanks in advance, Torsten

Error ID: error:pkg/account/oidc:create_user
Correlation ID: 24b142f6052a4513af08309445a77104

“code”: 13,
“message”: “error:pkg/account/oidc:create_user (failed to create account)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/account/oidc”,
“name”: “create_user”,
“message_format”: “failed to create account”,
“correlation_id”: “24b142f6052a4513af08309445a77104”,
“code”: 13,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“message_format”: “pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uix_users_primary_email_address””,
“code”: 2

Your original GMail address should be usable now hopefully.

Hello, I also have this problem, could you solve it please, mu account (I cannot log in with my account)