Error trying to change end-device application with cli

Im’ trying to change the application of an end device with cli:

ttn-lw-cli end-devices set current_application my_device --application-id new_application

and throws an error:
WARN No fields selected, won’t update anything

I have the same problem, trying to change the formatter or touching. Any idea? Google is not very helpfull on this.

The Application (ID) cannot simply be changed since the Application ID is used for various internal operations.

If you’re simply using a local test device who’s state you can reset or force rejoin, you can just delete the device from the current application and recreate it in the new application.

If your data is in the field or you can’t make it rejoin for some reason, the only way to make this change is to migrate the device from one application to the new one.

Please see our docs:

trying to change the formatter or touching

You don’t need to change the Application ID to change the payload formatter if that’s what you’re asking. You can edit that either in the console on using the CLI.