Example Sketch for ESP32+RFM95+I2C Sensor

I expect to make TTN node with ESP32 doit. Can anyone point me to schematic or wiring diagrams with RFM95 and I2C sensor? Especially with example sketch.


look here https://github.com/urs8000/particulate-matter_ESP32_SDS011_BME280_DHT22
and remove all of SDS011

Thank ursm. Testing with my sketch and your sketch.
I faced many problems. My Doit board is quite sensitive. Wrong wiring will shift boot address 0x13 to others address. I still do not success in using it with RFM95 and I2C sensor. I still have to find out which pins are already assigned to flash mem or USB. My BME280 must be conflicted with internal used pins.


Now, everything is fine. I spent a month with my short circuit breadboard.