Gateway status shows as Disconnected but receiving data


I’ve spend some time setting up the gateway and it seems that is receiving data, but it shows as disconnected.

I’m using a Dragino LIG16 on V3.

What could I be doing wrong?




The gateway needs to report status at least every 45 seconds, was the gateway running and sending status messages when you took those screenshots?

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: V3 gateway offline since midnight


As showed in this new image, you can see that data is being sent every 30 seconds, and that the time of my computer is ‘live’ with the data being sent (8:53:57 las packet vs 8:54)

Unlike the merged post, for me the problem still persist.


Did you add the same gateway (and EUI) with a different name previously and delete that one?

Yeap, I think I did that. I was trying to change the network from eu1 to nam1 in some step there I might have registered and deleted the gateway with the same EUI.

Those are gateway stats - the gateway telling TTN that it is online.

Do you have a device that you have setup in an application that can perform an uplink??

Working on it.

The acid test in all of LoRaWAN folklore is, do my uplinks arrive at my end-point (your server, dashboard, Google Sheet, analog meter driven by cunning Arduino DAC circuit etc).

Everything else is optional at various levels, but optional.

In v2 I had only the gateway but it showed as Connected.

I’m trying to send uplinkgs with a T-Beam now. Will let you know when I’m done.

Yeap, receiving uplinks, still not showing as connected (But the app is not showing as connected either, I think is not joining).



Everything is working now!
Don’t know exactly why, maybe I just had to wait to the end device to make the OTA activation?

