Gateway with EUI is already registered

What is the provinence of your GW? Did you buy it second hand or was it given to you? Did you look at the full error message?

If so you will have seen admin contact listed as “roselleroni”

Whilst a quick search didnt reveal a TTN Forumite of that user name @roselleroni there is likely a TTN main user with that handle - perhaps you can reach out to them here (use Contact button to message them)

and ask if they mis-typed details (it happens sometimes) - perhaps they can then delete? Or they can clariy if original owner of a device with that EUI?

I am just getting started with TTN,LoRa and LoRaWAN. I had trouble setting up my Gateway and deleted it without realizing that I wouldnt be able to reregister the same EUI. I finally managed to overcome my troubles only to realize that changing the EUI was impossible and registering the Gateway was now entirely out of my reach since the EUI is burned. I read in several posts on github and here that an Administrator of TTN can release EUIs. How do I contact an administrator of TTN without paying 200$ a month for a basic support plan?

Search forum (). Note gw eui =/= gw id …. Read error message carefully.
) start 2 posts above :wink:

When you delete a gateway the EUI is released for re-use. I think you carefully need to reread the error message and choose a different ID when reregistering the gateway. The ID can be freely chosen by you (just delete the suggestion that was prefilled).

A forum search would have suggested this already as this issue comes up once a week on average…

Why would that be appropriate??

If your car breaks down, do you expect the garage to fix it for free??

The Things Network does not have professional support. I think what you mean is the support plan for The Things Stack Cloud or Enterprise deployments.

For The Things Network, one of the admins have to arbitrate this.

I finally managed to overcome my troubles only to realize that changing the EUI was impossible and registering the Gateway was now entirely out of my reach since the EUI is burned.

I don’t get this part. What is the error message? If you delete a gateway, the EUI is released.

No, I dont. I guess TTN doesnt need the coverage then. I am simply gonna run my GW privately.
@Jeff: Thanks for the Hint.
@kersing: Thanks for the suggestion. Sadly I havent managed to connect my GW to TTN. I can send up and downlink messages on my ChirpOS just fine when run though. I will simply not bother with TTN. I appreciate the Help though.

If read the topic from the top, you’d know that the EUI is not burned.

The documentation for TTS also says this.

It always does, in a community spirit sort of way.

Us helping you would be a lot easier with more information. Exact error messages for starters. It feels like you’re now implying we are to blame when we don’t have the information to be able to provide more detailed help.