Getting the error: missing WRITE_ROUTING_POLICY when trying to check PB in TTS

Hello All,
I have a paid version of TTI, and I am also self hosting a copy of TTS.
I in TTI, I set my Packet Broker routing policy to route to everyone. I had thought
that by default the free TTS version always routed to everyone, but this does not seem to be the case.
does TTS support this? When I try to the routing policy using the ttn-lw-cli or in the web UI, I get the error:
ttn-lw-cli packetbroker home-networks policies set default --all
WARN The --all flag is not covered by our compatibility commitment.
WARN This means that it may not work (or behave differently) with future versions of The Things Stack.
WARN Only use the --all flag for development.
WARN Finished unary call {“duration”: 1.1834, “error”: “error:unknown:unknown (missing WRITE_ROUTING_POLICY)”, “error_correlation_id”: “a068dd6ece964d4d8f726bbfdf4522c1”, “grpc.method”: “SetHomeNetworkDefaultRoutingPolicy”, “grpc.service”: “ttn.lorawan.v3.Pba”, “grpc_code”: “PermissionDenied”, “namespace”: “grpc”, “request_id”: “01HVP4FTXK6M142D1QEXSPEXWD”}
error:unknown:unknown (missing WRITE_ROUTING_POLICY)

Is this the intended behavior or is there some sort of mis-configuration on my instance of TTS?
I am hoping to reoute everything between everyone optimally.

Thank you very much,