GPRS connection Kerlink

Hi everybody!

I’m trying to get data connection on my Kerlink gateway using GPRS.

If I connect the gateway to Loriot I receive all the packets from the end-node, but when I connect the gateway to The Things Network I receive just some of them. Maybe I receive a packet every minute more or less.

Any ideas where is the problem? Can it be the binary file in the gateway?

I attach my configuration in the knetd.xml and network files:




Hi Berno,

I don’t really see a link with the GPRS. Maybe could be something simple as a timeout, because the things network is far away?

Give it a ping, see where we are at.


Yes you are right. I have two gateways, one connected via Ethernet and the other one connected via GPRS. As the one with the Ethernet is much faster, in most of the cases the packet from the other gateway is discarded. I was reading in the wiki that when the Broker does the de-duplication, if the delay between the packet from the first gateway and the last one is more than 200 ms, it is discarded. So it must be the case.

I also switched off the gateway connected via Ethernet and I can receive all the packets from the other gateway.

Thank you Fokko!