Heltec CubeCell - part 2

I’m recently using a CubeCell Module (bought it about 6 month ago). Code works as intended (I’m basically reading the ADC and send it as Highbyte-Lowbyte to TTN):
Connecting also works fine and I can see around 60 messages being send to the TNN. I do no move my device nor the gateway - yet, no messages are receveid.

The code I use is the example LoRa code in Arduino, I just modified the LED itself. This weird behavior happened before, too. Also the number of messages send differs. Does anyone have any idea?

Uptime of the device is about 2 days till it does not send anymore, frequency of sending is every 15 minutes (gateway is about 20m away)

Maybe you have some tips for debugging? I just can think of restarting the device though it feels weird as the optimal solution.

You will need to provide a bit more detailed information, like:

Which exact sketch are you using.
What do you mean with “no (more) messages are received”?
Do you mean the messages are not visible in the TTN console application/device log?
Or do you mean your application that reads data from the TTN backend does not receive messages (anymore)?

Do you have access to the gateway log?

To be honest, I don’t know what is the reason for no messages being received. Its either the device not sending anymore or the gateway or TTN not accepting anymore. As I am not sure how to debug this, I wanted to ask for help.
What I wanted to explain in my message was basically this: No messages being send happens on different devices (yet all are cubecell modules) on different applications and all have in common that some messages ARE send, authentication done via OTTA. Neither device nor module are moved (to rule out many errors as no connection, faulty device etc.)

And what is the gateway log? I possibly could get access to it if I new where to find it.

Before I shuffle over to the Heltic forum to ask for guidance, I bought a couple of AB02A devices and they are kind of cute, out of the box they came with test code installed and I noticed they did go to sleep in the logs.

Anyway the devices are working fine with TTN using the basic lorawan code, they compile clean, I’m working on PlatformIO and all seems sweet - except one thing, they simply don’t go to sleep, the loop simply repeats even though the sleep function is called - anyone else using AB02A ?


how can i use ADR with CubeCell-Boards and start with SF10B125?
For LMIC-Library it is “LMIC_setDrTxpow(DR_SF10,14)”
(Arduino IDE)


Love the AB02S package, but I’m trying to use it in a simple LoRa application, not LoRaWan. Seems like there aren’t a lot of library options other than LoRaWan_APP.h, which has a lot of functionality I don’t need… and maybe lacks some, like easy access to 62.5kHz bandwidth.

Anyway, is there a lower-level library I can use to drive the SX1262 on the Cubecell?


The heltec forum is probably a better place to ask as this forum is about LoRaWAN, not Lora.


Hi, guys
Im final year student who is doing final year project on lora, could you guys help me on how do i connect my htcc-ab01 to ttn. Im very new to lora but i know basic arduino coding.
Hope you guys could assist me

Which instructions are you following?

Im sorry ,do you mean the coding? I have tried using the lorawan example coding from arduino ide but it states failed to connect to the board. i think my lorawan example coding is not complete as there is no code for me to put the key codes from ttn…I have tried by using the codes by the searching on the internet where it seems like coding for dragino shield and i try to compile it but still doesnt work

Have you installed the CubeCell Arduino support files as detailed on the pages that are linked from the product page:


which leads to


which then leads to you having a LoRaWAN code example …

Make sure your Router and hadler are the same - Router (Gateway) = meshed-router, Handler (Application) = meshed-handler

@mbirrell, you’ve replied to a 6 month old message for someone who’s in the US so the Australian network settings may not apply here …

Hi Nick, yep I realise that. I have treaversed this forum a bit and have noticed the same problem quite a few times… maybe I should have put "Make sure your Router and hadler are the same - Router (Gateway) = , Handler (Application) = " would have been clearer for the people that can’t work that out… I mean this in a good way. There are plaenty of simple things that has taken me a long time to figure out.

i already installed the library and enter the dev eui and other keys in my sketch but i can’t get any traffic in my ttn

Can you show us the output from the serial port so we can see what the CubeCell is doing please.

Do you have a gateway? Or a gateway you can see the logs on? Or just a gateway at all?

Yes i have an gateway

Please can you use the Show Timestamp option so we know how often these messages appear. Please turn off confirmed uplink, it’s a burden on the gateway as it has to transmit, rendering it deaf to other uplinks at that time.

I’m not sure what all the other TX & RX activity is that is woven in to the two confirmed uplink sending lines - can you give us the url of the code base you are using.

The simplest code to start would be using ABP if you could configure for that as well.

Finally, please, no screen shots for text that can be copied & pasted, it stops us copying it in to other tools for analysis. See How do I format my forum post? [HowTo]