How can I help improve the AWS Integrations documentation?

While moving AWS Integrations from V2 to V3, I have found some of the documentation that I would like to help improve, specifically this page, because I found that some of the information is incomplete and could be clarified and perhaps include some example messages.

I couldn’t find any links on the page itself where I could make a suggestion, so I looked at the documentation section of the open source repository on Github, and despite digging around, it appears that this documentation is not part of the Open Source repository (otherwise I would simply branch, modify, and create a pull request for the update).

How does someone help improve the documentation? Assuming the answer is to just contribute to the non-open-source documentation, is there also somewhere in the Open Source resources that I can also contribute?

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Hey, here’s the documentation for The Things Stack: GitHub - TheThingsIndustries/lorawan-stack-docs: Documentation for The Things Stack

The page you are looking for is this; lorawan-stack-docs/ at master · TheThingsIndustries/lorawan-stack-docs · GitHub