How Creat a simple channel in CayenneLPP

When I put a value in my code, I get the Cayenne library, but it only has some methods, like this:

e eu quero apenas um canal como essa imagem


I use this library

Or this is not possible?

I don’t I fully understand your question but you can ‘add new’ and then ’ add widget’ … name that Channel 2

I can not add a widget because I’m using the Cayenne LPP setting, which pulls straight from NTT.

I add the direct method in the esp32 code as shown in the example:

lpp.addTemperature(1, t);
lpp.addRelativeHumidity(2, h);
lpp.addAnalogOutput(3, valorTeste);

however the methods that exist according to the cayenne website are just these:

uint8_t addDigitalInput(uint8_t channel, uint8_t value);
uint8_t addDigitalOutput(uint8_t channel, uint8_t value);

uint8_t addAnalogInput(uint8_t channel, float value);
uint8_t addAnalogOutput(uint8_t channel, float value);

uint8_t addLuminosity(uint8_t channel, uint16_t lux);
uint8_t addPresence(uint8_t channel, uint8_t value);
uint8_t addTemperature(uint8_t channel, float celsius);
uint8_t addRelativeHumidity(uint8_t channel, float rh);
uint8_t addAccelerometer(uint8_t channel, float x, float y, float z);
uint8_t addBarometricPressure(uint8_t channel, float hpa);
uint8_t addGyrometer(uint8_t channel, float x, float y, float z);
uint8_t addGPS(uint8_t channel, float latitude, float longitude, float meters);

And I wanted to use one that does not exist in those methods. I do not know if it was clearer.

you want a ‘custom’ widget

This just work in arduino device, when I select the option ‘Custom Widgets’,it does not show my device LoRa.


If you are receiving the data through The Things Network you need to add the Cayenne LPP device:

Add New....-->Device/Widget-->LoRa-->The Things Network-->Cayenne LPP

To the device just paste the DevEUI from your console and the data should begin to populate the dashboard.

Yes I did this, The Things Network takes the esp32 data, in which I use the lpp.addTemperature, lpp.addHumidity and etc methods … And I wanted a simple channel that I could modify on the Cayenne later. For example, add the lpp.addChannel method to esp32 and create a simple channel like the image from my first topic.

you can check here too

If you are trying to send something different than is already in the Cayenne LPP library then no, it is not possible. I tried to do this last week and consulted the forums at Cayenne also. No go.

Using the Cayenne MQTT API gives a lot more flexibility but one would have to create their own external process that receives the info from TTN and then talks to Cayenne directly.