How to delete the Community?

We moved our gateways and nodes to our own network, the Chirpstack.
The data on the community page is totally outdated.
The number of gateways, as well as the locations on the map are invalid. Unfortunately, the attempt to clean the data by us has failed so far. We have not yet managed to resolve the community here. We are still trying to do so.
Is there any support from TTN/TTS or whomever yet to do so?


Which community? How long ago did you remove the GW’s from TTN connection? Data should age off automatically after a period of inactivity - Blue to Red icon then removal - IIRC around 3-5 days for inactive and around 30 days to remove = atleast that was how maps used to behave - havent looked closely for a while or since V2 sunset… I have a couple of inactive GW’s that I have noticed aged off so think pattern is still similar…