How to get Lgt-92 Work with cayenne

Hi there,
it makes my sick spending useless hours of trying things to get working…maybe all this lora stuff is only for makers and people having a looot of time and no other things to do and they have fun spending hours in this…I dont, I want to use things and trying to make them working.
I tried to get cayenne Integration work with my ttn device and of course nothing worked.
The Android app was crashing all the time when creating a new device and so on and cayenne did not show anything.
So could anyone write a walk thru how to make the gps position of the lgt-92 visible in a map like ordinary gsm gps tracker does (much easier and user orientated).
I think cayenne might be the “easiest” and costless way.

A post was merged into an existing topic: New Dragino LGT-92 - LoRaWAN GPS Tracker