How to install a Waveshare SX1302 Hat on a Raspi as Gateway

i enable spi and it fixed my issue immediately.


I am trying to configure sx1302 lorahat on a Rpi as gateway. Currently I am facing the following issue.

Opening SPI communication interface
Note: chip version is 0x00 (v0.0)
ERROR: Failed to set SX1250_0 in STANDBY_RC mode
ERROR: failed to setup radio 0
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

I have followed the following web links

My spi is enable
I have also tried changing the reset pin in

Even tried pressing the connector, nothing has worked.

Not sure how to fix it. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

I see though you have a Waveshare Conc bd you are also linking to Elecrow instaltion guide(s)…be aware that though there are many mPCIe f/f boards out in the market many have slightly different configurations and minor changes to the connector pin-out (Elecrow, Waveshare, RAK, Seeed, etc…). Some have an additional SX12xx transceiver on board (to support LBT etc.) others dont and reset pins may vary, so be absolutely sure which version and pin out you have and use matching s/w config… Havent yet looked at specific differences for this pair myself (future project) but worth you checking…and perhaps report back here what you find.

Thanks for the response! will check the pin configuration and revert back. Thanks again!

So i also have G-nicerf lorawan 1302 module with pi 3 b+ and im using the sx1302_hal github repo to find the uid and ./test_loragw_com and ./test_loragw_sx1250 but unable to get the output and getting same errors like :-
Opening SPI communication interface
Note: chip version is 0x05 (v0.5)
ERROR: Failed to set SX1250_0 in STANDBY_RC mode
ERROR: failed to setup radio 0
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

Im working over raspberry os, Guidance will be appreciated alot

P.s :- I have also tried to change pin from 23 to 17 and also tried to open both i2c and spi but no response im getting.