How to "map" my gateway

I noticed that other gateway show up on ttn mapper as “mapped” gateway.
How do I get this status for my own TTIG? It is already registered with a valid position on TTN…


What you need is a node with mapping-firmware eg. TTGO T-Beam and an application for the TTN-Mapper or a Field Tester. Or someone else driving around with this node in his car and an antenna on the roof (like I do in the moment on Fuerteventura).
Or a node transmitting its position-informations and the TTNMAPPER App. There is a channel on Slack for the TTN-MAPPER, the people there will help you. Or ask your local community on Slack.

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thanx for the reply. I think, I am already doing what oyu describe - I have a node plug the ttn-mapper on my smartphone and walk around. The app shows me in the stats page that it distinguishes between “mapped” gateways and “non mapped” gateways. It seems that it draws a ray from my current position to a mapped gateway, but not to my gateway.

It takes a little bit time until the results are shown, sometimes a few days.

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