How to persist LMIC OTAA parameters with an ESP32?

@JackGruber good and bad news. Bad news is that the code you suggested did not help me, but I did determine the problem, or at least a workaround. I was able to get initial OTAA,sleep, and initial sensor data send. It would then start another EV_TXSTART immediately after the data send, but then go to sleep. I simple ensured I explicitly reset the GOTO_DEEPSLEEP to false during the “phantom send” on the EV_TXSTART event case . I’m sure this is all happening as a result of my copy of LMIC data from RTC, but without setting the critical members of the structure. I’m going to call this a workaround at this point in time, but I can sleep the controller and wake without issue.

@jhughes1010 , please, can you detail how did you do this workaround ? The ESP32 node only receives a RX downlink message if I send a confirmed uplink.

I have saved the LMIC data in FRAM. but my node doesn’t have a sleep feature. my Node is turned-off and when it gets turned on it gets the data from FRAM. but no data is received at the TTN dashboard. do the device need to know how much time is turned off to properly work??

Mod Comment: Post prior deleted as basically a link to spam marketing…nice try!

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