How to set persistent (security) settings on Wirnet Station

The Kerlink Wirnet Station wiki describes the following commands to set a different SSH port as well as a different root login, a note regarding the persistence of these settings is seen below as well. After configuring my gateway, a reboot wipes these settings and defaults them:


to permanently save the modification in the gateway, add /etc/shadow file in a customization process (see Software update).

sed -i '/ssh/ s/22/4321/g' /etc/services
/etc/init.d/inetd restart

To permanently save the modification in the Wirnetâ„¢ Station recovery partition, add /etc/services file in a customization process (see Software update).

This customization process however is described rather unclear, and I fail to find an applicable way to permanently set the root passwd and the SSH port. How do I interpret "add /etc/services" in a customization process? Has anyone done this? Can this be explained in a few steps?