HTCC AB01 and external .96” OLED display

When I connect an external i2c OLED 128x64 display (photo) to my Cubecell HTCC AB01 board ( the display works with the Heltec pre-installed sketch. So far so good.

After trying libraries from RinkyDink or Adafruit I did not find a way to use the display with my own sketch. Is there a way to solve this?

Any help is appreciated!


See if source of the heltech sketch is available… hopefully it is.

Or learn how to use the I2C peripheral on your board and get suitable code for that display.

Your project seems entirely accomplishable, but something which will require a methodical one step at a time approach (for example, get the display working on its own without worrying about TTN/LoRaWAN at all).


Jason from Heltec was so kind to advice to change the display setup in the AB02 OLED sketch to work with the AB01 board:

SSD1306Wire display(0x3c, 500000, I2C_NUM_0,GEOMETRY_128_64);

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