HTTPS custom webhook example

I have went through the example on how to get custom web hooks send results to our desktop computer (using demo from page Creating Webhooks | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN . I am looking for an example of the layout of the file sent from the TTN. I wish to read it from our own server .

Many thanks

But that’s what is sent to the so you don’t even get a sample, you get the real thing.

And it’s in the docs in the reference section under Data Formats. But that IS an example and not as good as the real one you get from your test.

If you search the forum for webhook you should come across the links to the Summer Academy training and the links to the example code that some dude supplied.

Hi Nick,
You are correct , getting the real thing is a lot better than getting the sample. But I want to see what the data looks like in the call from the TTN. I have my own server and want to know the layout . I couldnt find anything on that, but will look at the Data Formats and the Summer Academy training.

Best Regards

You do get the real thing, your actual own uplink, if you try out the example for your application.