I deleted my account but forgot to delete the registered gateway

Hello everyone, I deleted my account, but forgot to delete the registered gateway.
Is there a way to save it??

  "code": 6,
  "message": "error:pkg/identityserver:gateway_eui_taken (a gateway with EUI `782184FFFF9F331C` is already registered (by you or someone else) as `eui-782184ffff9f331cj`)",
  "details": [
      "@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.ErrorDetails",
      "namespace": "pkg/identityserver",
      "name": "gateway_eui_taken",
      "message_format": "a gateway with EUI `{gateway_eui}` is already registered (by you or someone else) as `{gateway_id}`",
      "attributes": {
        "gateway_eui": "782184FFFF9F331C",
        "gateway_id": "eui-782184ffff9f331cj"
      "correlation_id": "d4176ced8c1c4f5db0727d617799a1e9",
      "code": 6

What do you mean by “save it”? Is the intent to re-register GW on TTN under different account or do you want to remove GW from TTN and move elewhere? Forum volunteers have no account access so best option would be to cross post to the TTN Slack #support channel (just link to this thread?) where TTI core members more likely to pick up and respond.

@ksuljh: I’ve deleted this gateway. You may now register it in your new user account.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to register gateway deleted just a few moments prior

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unable to register gateway deleted just a few moments prior