iC980a and Raspberry Pi TTN gateway

Hello all,

I’m trying to build a lorawan gateway based on the iC980a module (similar to ic880a but 915MHz) with the raspberry pi.

I have followed some tutorials on the internet and tried to change the configuration parameters, such as the config file and operation frequency.

does anybody suggests me the easiest way to configure all?


The easiest way is to use the resin.io setup available at github. Use the RAK831 workshop notes with exception of the reset pin (see documentation at the github repo for that). No need to adapt config files or create your own frequency plan as long as your region is supported by one of the TTN configurations. (Choose the righ one while adding the gateway to the TTN console)


Kersing, I followed the tutorial, I got the gateway online, but unfornately, I’m not getting the messages on the TTN traffic.

You told me that I don’t need to change any configuration, but here in Brazil, we work at 915MHz, so I need to configurate either on EU or AU frequencies.

I really don’t need any change?

PS: the gateway has initiated the concentrator, I saw on the terminal log


In the TTN console go to your gateway, choose settings and select the correct frequency plan from the list. If there is no matching frequency plan TTN does not support that region. The back-end needs to know about the correct frequency to send responses and chooses them based on the settings in the console. So changing the configuration to use your own frequencies will not work.


I found resin to be ok but getting meaningful TTN data presented back out is more of a challenge for resin. Unless I am missing something, there doesn’t seem to be a single solution for even simple OSS / BSS params?

I have also looked at other solutions like Things Park but nothing seems tailor made for TTN sadly.

Any pointers on solutions would be great


What are you looking for? Don’t forget resin is just a container solution for embedded systems that does not know anything about the software running in the containers.

Yeah, sure and it is as good a docker experience you can find for managing multiple instances of a those containers. I guess the key point for me is in looking for a modicum of joined up visualisation to be able to compare performance from one iteration to the next. How do you know to rollback unless you can compare.

Early days in the space, I just hope we don’t get smothered by old clunky code base with a new IoT wrapper :wink:

Something like Cayenne but with the fleet type approach that resin has mate.

What do you want to compare? CPU cycles burned? Disk usage? Packets received? CRC stats? Temperature of the gateway? Number of people passing on the street?

The solution you need depends largely on what data points you want to have collected. Resin won’t collect any as that is not what is there for. However there are solutions (also mentioned on the forum) to get some data regarding the packet forwarder and the host.