Import devices

Hi all,

Trying out the import devices function with no luck.

Here’s my code based on the template:

“ids”: {
“device_id”: “10001015”,
“dev_eui”: “1000000000000015”,
“join_eui”: “0000000000000000”
“name”: “TTGO 15”,
“description”: “”,
“lorawan_version”: “MAC_V1_0_2”,
“lorawan_phy_version”: “PHY_V1_0_2_REV_B”,
“frequency_plan_id”: “EU_863_870_TTN”,
“supports_join”: true,
“root_keys”: {
“app_key”: {
“key”: “01020304050607080102030405060708”

but it just errors out with nothing helpful as in

"#### Converting templates…

There was an error and the operation could not be completed

An unknown error occurred. Please try again later.
Converting end device templates…

Any ideas? Has anyone used this function successfully before?

Thank you.

Hi Qmick

Don’t know if you came right with this. I had the same error and figured out that the file that you use to import the devices with has to be name “devices.json”. That was my problem.

Interesting. Thank you. I will check into that.

Converting templates…

There was an error and the operation could not be completed

An unknown error occurred. Please try again later.

Converting end device templates…

Same error here since 2 days , with google chrome or firefox is the same issue

i am using this command line tool for export the V2 Devices

ttnctl version
INFO Got build information Branch=master BuildDate=2020-05-13T12:11:27Z Commit=be6a661d90aaa741c8845c7caabb1a111a7b6531 Version=v2.11.0-dev
INFO This is an up-to-date ttnctl build

Try the migration tool specifically designed for migration. All the details in the documentation.

It seems the old way does not work now.

I was trying this tool and i could import the json file

ttn-lw-migrate devices --dry-run --verbose --source ttnv2 "v2-end-device-ID" --ttnv2.with-session=false > devices.json