Integrations - MQTT - not found button "Pub/Sub"


I can’t found in “Integrations”, menu “Pub/Sub” Button… I don’t now why? I’ve used v3.14.0… Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!


MQTT is not really an ‘integration’. As I understand, MQTT is the most basic type of payload data exchange mechanisme underlying all other payload data exchange mechanisms.

If you select the ‘MQTT’ item on the left, you’ll see the name of the MQTT server, user name to log in, a button to generate an access key. Using any MQTT client, you can log in and subscribe to topic ‘v3/+/devices/+/up’ for example.

Something like:
mosquitto_pub -h -u 'redans-app1@ttn' -P <your-access-key> -t 'v3/+/devices/+/up' -v

Check The Things Stack documentation | Integrations | MQTT for more information.